Spring Time and Ticks – Prevention Tips Lyme’s Disease

We all know that springtime is when everyone wants to return outdoors. The days are longer, the temperature is warmer, time for spring cleanup of our yards, spring baseball and soccer starts for our kids.

Well, we are not alone, ticks come out of hibernation and start to be active as well, but they can’t simply run to the kitchen for a meal, they need to travel and search for a blood meal from an unsuspecting mammal, which could be you or your children or pets!

This is the time we need to be the most proactive to prevent tick bites and Lyme’s disease.

Remember the key things to do to help prevent tick bites:

  • Treat pets with properly labeled products, consult your veterinarian for various oils, powders, sprays and collars.
  • Prior to going outdoors apply proper repellent to clothing and skin as per product directions.
  • Limit the brush and overgrowth around active areas of your property.
  • Fence off dense brush and wooded areas to avoid children and pet entry.
  • After being outdoors thoroughly check children and pets for any sign of ticks.
  • Keep lawn areas mowed short and frequently.
  • Have All County treat your finished lawn and woods edge.
  • Call for free estimate.

You must keep in mind, here at All County we strongly recommend treating your lawns, gardens and woods edge to prevent ticks and protect your family, but most public parks, ball fields, school fields and alike are not allowed by law to treat for this type of prevention. So as fun as it is to take your dog to your children’s sporting events, you must be very careful in keeping them to the mowed and manicured areas. Once you and your family return home, you must immediately check children and pets for any ticks on clothing and skin. We offer complete lawn and garden treatment packages to control ticks and other pests around your home and property, call for free estimate.