Reasons to hire a professional for your rodent problem

Rodents are very smart creatures. Commensal rodents have the ability to adapt to man, such as mice and rats. These rodents basically require the same needs that we do to survive an are very happy to live along side us within our homes.

If you sense that you have a rodent problem based on our previous blog, we don’t recommend you try to handle this on your own. Mice and rats can be very deceptive, knowing and understanding their habits is key for their control. These rodents are highly sensitive to new objects and have a high sense of association to dangerous conditions.

Mice and rats live in colonies and have a hierarchy that determine their duties. Mostly only the brazen ones will set out to search for food and may only represent 10% of the population that could be hiding within your home.  Traps alone may not be effective to eliminate the colony or multiple colonies that may exist. A professional pest control operator know the areas to look in, the signs to look for and how to use proper various materials and methods to control a rodent infestation. Use of poison baits may be needed and proper product selection and placement is key to keeping your family and pets safe during this process.

All County Pest Control can offer complete inspection and treatment programs utilizing traps, baits and monitoring devices.  Our Home Protection Plan is the best pest protection for you, your family and your home.